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+ Can you make me a buddy icon?
+ Can you teach me how to make an icon?
+ Can I donate some of my icons?
+ Why don't you have a lot of icons?
+ Why won't the icons work for me?
+ How do you make a website like yours?
+ Can you personalize an icon for me?
+ Can I use your icons on my webpage?
+ It says the icon is too big, what do I do?
+ How do I make an animated icon repeat forever?
+ Can you teach me how to make a webpage?
+ What fonts do you use to make your icons?
+ What paint programs do you use, and where can I get them?
+ How do you animate an icon?

Note: For any questions related to animating icons, please check out the "questions" section in the "how to animate an icon" subpage.

Question: Can you make me a buddy icon?

Answer: I can't say that I can definetly make you an icon, but you can go to the "Requests" section in the message board on my site and request the kind of icon you would like to see. If you are lucky, my helpers and I just might make it for you!

Question: Can you teach me how to make an icon?

Answer: Sure! Just go to the "how to make an icon" subpage and it will show you step by step how to make an icon.

Question: Can I donate some icons that I have made to your site?

Answer: Yes you can! As long as they are good in taste, and are quality icons. They cannot be preps, however, and cannot be made using an icon maker because they aren't truly unique. Also, the most important rule is YOU yourself have to make your icons. You cannot steal icons from other sites and submit them. On my page there is a subpage where you can upload all the icons you have made and put them into the correct categories.

Question: Why don't you have a lot of icons?

Answer: Well, I feel that I DO have a lot right now, even though it's not as much as you all would like to see. The reason I don't have a large selection is because it takes 10-30 minutes to just make one icon. It's more complicated than you think, and it does take a lot of time to make a lot. That's why when I update I only add a few icons at a time. So sorry, you're gonna have to settle with what I got!

Question: I have AOL, and your icons won't work when I try to use them! Why won't they work?

Answer: I don't have AOL, but I hear that it doesn't allow a lot of javascript, certain codes, and certain buddy icons. I don't know the reasons for this, but if they won't work with your AOL..sorry. I don't know what to do about it, except to simply download "AIM" from and try to use that instead of chatting from your AOL browser. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Question: Can you tell me how to make a website like yours?

Answer: Sorry..but I am not a tutor or anything, I don't have the time. Visit sites like or and they will show you everything you need to know on how to make a webpage! :)

Question: Can you make me an icon that says "I Love Chris" and put my name on it?

Answer: No... sorry.. I don't take requests like that. Not everyone's boyfriend's name is chris, so why make an icon that not everyone can use? If a lot of people ask for like.. a skiing icon or something, then I might make it just because a lot of people could use it. But I definetly will not make requests like that, so don't bother asking. Sorry.

Question: Can I use your icons on my icons section for my webpage??

Answer: No no no..! That isn't what webpages are about! they aren't about taking other things from other sites, it's about making your own graphics and being proud that you made them! I don't care if you are going to link me for them, I don't want to see my icons anywhere but at my site. sorrry.

Question: When I try to use an icon, it says its too big..what do I do?

Answer: Well, I know all my icons (im 98% sure) will work on AOL Instant Messenger. But them working on simply AOL is different.. apparently the icon size on aol is only 48 x 48. A lot of my icons are larger. If it says the icon is too big and you have AOL, you should go to and download AIM. It's a lot better, and it will let you use my larger icons :) If it still wont work, email me and tell me which icon it is, and i will try to fix it. Also, if you made your own icon and you animated it and it says it's too big, you need to get rid of some frames in order for it to work. The maximum size for animated icons is no bigger than 7 kilobytes, so just get rid of a few frames and it should fit.

Question: How do I make my animated icon that I made repeat forever instead of stopping after it shows all the frames?

Answer: Ok. After you make your icon, go to the top tool bar and click "animation", then "animation properties". A little window should come up. Then click the tab in the window that says "looping", and make sure that "repeat the animation indefinitely" is selected. Then it should be all set!


Can you teach me how to make a website?

Answer: Unfortunately, I do not have enough time to personally teach people how to make their own website. However, you can go to for detailed instructions on how to make webpages from start to finish. Also, is helpful too!


What kind of fonts do you use on your icons?

Answer: Well, I use a variety of fonts! Some include "small fonts", "verdana", "arial", "Ooh Lah Lah", "redensek" and "bookman old style". The sizes for the fonts I usually use range from 5-8. If you want to get these fonts, try and


What paint programs do you use, and how can I get them?

Answer: I use Adobe Photoshop 7, Paint shop pro 7, and the default "paint" program that comes with most PCs. Adobe and paint shop pro go for around $100. They are great programs for webdesigners, and I suggest you buy them if you are really inerested in computer art. If you want to get them temporarily for free, you can download the trial versions which last 60 days. You can get them at and If you think your computer doesn't have the default "paint" program, you can try going to and searching for "paint". A whole bunch of paint programs will come just take your pick :)


How do you animate an icon?

Answer: Go to the "how to animate an icon" subpage to learn how to animate an icon.

Any Other Questions? Email me at [email protected]

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